Diet Buddies! (1)
Diet Buddies!
Diet Buddies! (1)
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Dogs are considered as man’s best friends. The relationship between man and dog is as old as our ancient epics. According to a legend, it was a dog who showed Yudhishthira, the Pandava King, path to heaven. Historically speaking dog was the first animal to be domesticated by human beings. However, today, plenty of dogs fall under the category of ‘stray’. These ‘stray’ dogs have to face a lot of problems which include shrinking habitats, lack of proper shelter, food, etc. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 makes provisions for funding of shelters for ‘stray’ animals. Nevertheless, providing shelters to each and every ‘stray’ dog is still a distant dream. The rapid expansion of human settlement owing to overpopulation in past few decades has posed further problems for these ‘strays’. It has enhanced the chances of clash between human beings and ‘stray’ dogs. Read More…

लोक अभियान

लोक अभियान एक गैर राजनैतिक सामाजिक संगठन है, जो पिछले लगभग 35 वर्षों से समाज सेवा के विभिन्न कार्यों में जुटा हुआ है। इसका मुख्य उद्देश्य सरकार एवं समाज के बीच एक संवाद कायम करना है, जिससे हर वर्ग के हर व्यक्ति को लाभ पहुंचे।

लोक अभियान द्वारा आयोजित अब तक का सबसे विशाल एवं प्रभावशाली आन्दोलन रहा है- ‘लाॅटरी के विरूद्ध अभियान’। लाॅटरी एक ऐसा अभिशाप था, जो लाखों घरों की जिन्दगी बर्बाद कर रहा था, लेकिन श्री विजय गोयल के नेतृत्व में पूरे देश में इसके विरोध में हुए जन आन्दोलन ने केन्द्र सरकार को लाॅटरी पर पूर्ण प्रतिबन्ध लगाने को मजबूर कर दिया और लाख1ों परिवारों को राहत प्रदान की। लोक अभियान अपनी प्रारम्भिक अवस्था में श्री विजय गोयल का ही विचार था, जिसके साथ बाद में हजारों बौद्धिक कार्यकत्र्ता जुड़ गए।

लोक अभियान का प्रमुख उद्देश्य सामाजिक बुराइयों का विनाश और लोगों की समस्याओं को उचित परिप्रेक्ष्य में रखना है।



    Dog bite cases are on the rise in the country in recent months as several incidents of pets or stray animals mauling individuals have come to the fore. Responding to a query in parliament on 16 December 2022, Union Health and Family Welfare Minister of State Dr. Bharati Pravin Pawar disclosed the following state-wise figures of dog bite incidents in the last four years.


    Year 2019
    Year 2020
    Year 2021
    Year 2022


    Year 2019
    Year 2020
    Year 2021
    Year 2022


    It’s important to understand the reason behind the biting instinct of dogs


    Fear or anxiety

    If a dog feels threatened, scared, or cornered, it may resort to biting as a way to defend itself. This can happen when a dog is approached too quickly, handled roughly, or put in a stressful situation.


    Protection of resources

    Dogs are territorial animals, and they may bite if they feel their possessions, such as food, toys, or sleeping areas, are being threatened or taken away..


    Pain or illness

    When dogs are in pain or discomfort, they may bite as a response to being touched or approached in sensitive areas. It’s their way of protecting themselves from further pain and assistance.


    Lack of socialization

    Dogs that have not been properly socialized may be fearful or aggressive towards unfamiliar people, animals, or situations. If they feel threatened or overwhelmed, they may resort to biting.


    While Reproducing

    When the female dog is pregnant or has recently given birth, they become particularly
    aggressive out of safety concerns.



    wrong practice of feeding

    Many dog lovers and butchers feed leftover meat pieces or bones to stray dogs. It promotes predatory instincts in dogs. In such a situation, whenever they do not get meat, 

    All About Animal Birth Control

    ABC Rules

    Animal birth control refers to methods and techniques used to control the population of animals, particularly in relation to reproduction and birth rates. It involves various methods to prevent or reduce the number of offspring produced by animals, aiming to manage populations and prevent overpopulation or unwanted breeding.

    What do RWAs Say?


    ABC Rules

    ABC Rules Section 3(4) states – “If a Local Authority is conducting the animal birth control program through its own veterinary officers, the Project In-charge of the Local Authority shall obtain Project Recognition from the Board.”



    Veterinary doctors are only required to be registered with the Veterinary Council of India. AWBI has neither the expertise nor the authority to grant any such recognition.


    ABC Centres

    Animal birth control centers, also known as spay/neuter clinics or animal sterilization centers, are facilities that specialize in performing surgical sterilization procedures on animals to control their reproduction and manage population growth.

    Fact & Figures

    historic judgements


    ‘Contempt of court’ (2016)

    In 2016, the Supreme Court had directed all states to complete sterilization and vaccination of stray dogs under the supervision of the Animal Welfare Board of India. But no special cognizance was taken by the state governments and the number of stray dogs kept on increasing.


    'issued an order that victims of dog bites would now be eligible for financial assistance '(14.11.2023)

    The bench headed by Justice Vinod S Bhardwaj said, "In the cases relating to dog bites, the financial assistance shall be at a minimum of Rs 10,000 per tooth mark, and where the flesh has been pulled off the skin, it shall be a minimum of Rs 20,000 per ‘0.2 cm’ of the wound."

    LOK SABHA Question - Answer

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    What  Our Resources Say….. 


    'कुत्तों की काटने की समस्या' पर पुणे में ब्रह्मा सन सिटी में विचार गोष्ठी का आयोजन किया गया. जिसमें सैकड़ों लोगों ने भाग लिया और अपने विचार भी रखें.

    'कुत्तों के काटने की समस्या के समाधान' पर शनिवार 20 मई शाम 3 बजे, 74 बाबर रोड बंगाली मार्केट में विचार गोष्ठी का आयोजन।

    आवारा कुत्तों के काटने के मामले हर दिन बढ़ते जा रहे हैं और उनका ज़्यादातर शिकार मासूम बच्चे हो रहे हैं